Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Block Party

It's time for another ROBLOX event! And of course, there will be prizes! I mean, what's an event without prizes?
What to do:
Decorate your ROBLOX place, make a vehicle, make some rides, or let your creativity go wild and make something else (you can even dress up your ROBLOXian or make a news story!). You can make them in game, or make them with legos, lincon logs, k'nex, erectors, just about anything! After you make your item, take a picture, screen shot, or make a video of it and upload it to YouTube.
How to enter:
If you have a screenshot or picture, upload them to your computer, and then submit it at However, if your submitting a news story or video, "post a still image to get people excited about your entry and then provide a link to your news coverage (YouTube video or ROBLOX fansite blog post) in the description."
If you entered a valid image, you shall receive a Block Party hat.
If you have been chosen by the ROBLOX staff to be in the parade, you shall recieve a pile of Robux in addition to your Block Party hat.
If your entry is one of the top voted, you shall be given a Player's Choice hat in addition to a Block Party hat.
If you entered a news story and it is declared "one of the best", you will get a bonus heap of Robux.
Hope you have fun with this event! And remember, it's just for fun!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

AdminOfTime Joins the Roblox Informer!

AdminOfTime has joined the Roblox Informer as an admin! He weilds as much power as I do, and is a very trustworthy friend of mine. Let's all give a howdy welcome to AdminOfTime!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A frenzy of new updates

ROBLOX has released a whole bunch of new updates! I'll try my best to make this short, yet still letting you know what exactly the updates are. First off, we can now leave comments on places! To leave a comment, go to the catalog, click on "places", search the place, and then leave your comment!
Secondly, your places and models now appear in your "my stuff" page. Thirdly, if you go to "update profile", you can now verify your email. Why should you? If you lose or forget you password, it will be emailed to you, and you get a free hat. There will also be future benifits, but for now, that's it.
Another ROBLOX update is that now BC members can switch the order of their places. You can also manage witch places are your "live places" by going to showcase and dragging them to a place slot.
And last, but not least, Sparkles and the ClickDetector. I don't have much to say about these two, so I'll take the words right from Telamon's post. "The Sparkle object draws a shower of purple particles when placed under a Part in the Explorer pane of ROBLOX Studio. If you put a sparkle object under a jet engine or projectile part, you can create some interesting effects." As for the ClickDetector..."The ClickDetector object can be used to raise events when a part in the workspace is clicked by a user. It’s intended to be used to create buttons and control panels." If you want a demo on the Sparkles and the ClickDetector, go here: Also, the "browse" has been replaced with "people". Not much I can say except for "Check it out!"
Well, that just about wraps up the new updates.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Interview with Starman

This is the second interview for the site, this time with no other than Starman. It's quite a long interview, so bust out some snacks. I'm just kidding, it's not THAT long, but it is pretty big.
Arrowbic: How did you find out about ROBLOX?
Starman: From Megaman's vids. It's how many people of my time figured out.
Arrowbic: Since when have you started playing ROBLOX?
Starman: Check py profile, foo'. lol. I think some time around April, May, or June. Maybe July. I haven't checked in quite some time.
Arrowbic: What is your favorite place?
Starman: I don't specifically have a favourite place. I'm just here and there. I'm often at Justgoaway1's "Crash a Train Into a Wall" for one main reason. :D I can abuse powers! XD
Arrowbic: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?
Starman: I would say my greatest accomplishment would be a tie between my SSBB percentage script and my SMG scripts. For SSBB, I've made percentages that push you farther depending on your percentage times three. That way, if you have 100, you'll be sent at 300 velocity. As for SMG, Ive made an AI cosmic Mario, Pull Stars, that actually pull you with body position, unlike the cheep teleporting ones... and most of all, power ups that dissapear after some time :D!
Arrowbic: Do you have a ROBLOX idol?
Starman: I dont specifically have a ROBLOX idol. I would say Megaman765(766 on here) Because he's the whole reason I discovered this game XD. Im not obsessed with him. I just want to show him my thanks for helping me find such a great game. Also, thanks to the admins for making and improving ROBLOX, and the mods for keeping peace :D
Arrowbic: Who is your best friend in ROBLOX?
Starman: I'll have to say my current best friend is Gtbot. We're working on a project, and we have a Joint Account caled "Starbot". We share almost everything we make on ROBLOX. I'm the scripter, he's the builder. Were a great team :D.. not my history... I have a long future.... My first official best friend was Mark117, along with Kratos and Thessalor. Check my friends list to see. Then I met a few new friends. My old friends slowly parted. We still see eachother sometime, but I always wondered what happened to Mark.... Then I met Mario68, my friendmare..... he was awfully mean, had a temper, and thought he was far better than me. Because he tried to bring me down, I brought him down with me XD. Hes banned now, and im pretty glad. Before he was banned, I met Superlegotails. We both had a hobby of places. This was far before I could script, so I was facinated with how the places flew. Were still keeping in touch a bit. Then I met MrLFan. We both had a hobby of racing. I beat him 2/3 times. He participated in one of my contest, and got first. Of course, right afterwards, Mario68 tried taking my people -_-, so I brought him down XD again XD. Then, I met gtbot, who I'll say is my current best friend. I plan to be his best friend for a long time too :D! I'm not sure how we met though =/... sorry if I left anyone out :D! Like Seth, and my friend who I call Wolfy! I didn't want to take up too much space...
Arrowbic: What was your first place ever created in ROBLOX?
Starman: Not sure. Cant remember. Sorry.
As you can see, Starman has had a long history with ROBLOX, and has a LOT to talk about. He's a great ROBLOXian with an even greater potential. Thanks for letting me interview you, Starman!

Miked has set a new record!

Yup! Miked's Ultimate Paintball CTF has reached 200,000 visits! This is the record of any place, having almost twice as much visits of the runner-up, which is Builderman's ROBLOX World HQ, coming in at a bit over 100,000. Let's hear it for Miked!

We now have a logo!

This isn't much of actual ROBLOX news, but I would like to announce that we now have a logo! Look for it on the header.

Interview with Vinceyoung66

This is the very first interview done on Roblox Informer, and it's with the very first "co-worker" on Roblox Informer, too! Talk about a lot of firsts!

Arrowbic: How did you find out about ROBLOX?

Vinceyoung66: Ad on

Arrowbic: Since when have you started playing ROBLOX?

Vinceyoung66: February 28, 2007

Arrowbic: What is your favorite place?

Vinceyoung66: Crossroads, Waffleboy's Lazy-Boy Obsticle Course, or Miked's Paintball CTF!

Arrowbic: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?

Vinceyoung66: Either becoming a Veteran, or the "Secret" I'm working on with LuigiFan, Rhino1004, PvWr, PivotWarriorII, Pf2, Intile, and Rusty2! Onule and Waffleboy might help out too! The "Secret" will stay a "Secret" untill We release it, sorry to say!

Arrowbic: Do you have a ROBLOX idol?

Vinceyoung66: Aeacus

Arrowbic: Who is your best friend in ROBLOX?

Vinceyoung66: MarvelManiac, Arrowbic, and Adminoftime

Arrowbic: What was your first place ever created in ROBLOX?

Vinceyoung66: Roblox Playground! I made all these weird See-Saws and Slides! Like long ones!

Thanks for letting me interview you, Vinceyoung66